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Users of the site are invited to inform services on any dysfunctions of the site in the light of privacy rights. In its capacity as a news agency, gathers and stores what could be classified as personal data. This is used for news reporting, opinion polls and related research. This privacy notice does not focus on that type of use.

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Privacy Policy Terms and Conditions for Facebook Platform

  1. What data we are Collecting
    Ans: We are only collecting Facebook Id, Email, Firstname, Last name, Full Name for our newsletter subscription.
  2. How we are processing it
    Ans: We are storing Facebook Id, Email, Firstname, Last name, Fullname in our secured system for newsletter subscription. If any facebook user authorises our app to access their data in order to receive our newsletter service we collect only their Facebook Id, Email, Firstname, Last name, and Fullname data. After users' authorization sends out a newsletter to their email address.
  3. Purposes for which we are Processing it
    Ans: We want to reach out to our subscribers with more of our contents through the newsletters.
  4. Users may request Deletion of that data
    Ans: User can request the deletion of data by removing the app from his facebook account marking the data deletion checkbox. has built the data deletion callback api as per facebook guidelines.

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পিরোজপুর জেলা নামকরণের ইতিহাস

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